Sunday, August 12, 2007

Is it to early to think about trick or treating?

While I was shopping for new checks the other night, I think I stumbled across the perfect costume idea for Emma Cakes. Pebbles from the Flintstones!

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She shows her belly like this whenever she has on a dress and when we pull her hair up it reminds everyone of Pebbles. So now I just need to come up with an idea of how to make a cute bone shaped hair clippie. I googled "toddler Pebbles costume" and the only one I found was kind of ugly so I think I will try to make it myself. I just hope it isn't too chilly for her at Halloween! :) My other idea is dressing Retto up as Dino....we'll have to see on how well he cooperates on that one though.

So it looks like the octopus costume idea is out at least for now.


erin said...

Pebbles would be sooooo cute, show us pics when you're done!

Love said...

i LOVE pebbles! =)

amelia said...

Cute idea for sure!!

Alison said...

I, too, have been thinking of making a Pebbles costume for my 10 month old. There is a posting on ebay for a woman who makes the costume out of felt...interesting idea. If you come up with any ideas how to make the costume - please share! thanks

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