Friday, May 16, 2008

Abby Cadabby...and potty treats

A few weeks ago we decided to give potty training a whirl. Emma didn't seem interested and was having more accidents than successes so we shelved it for the time being. It is still early. So we let her pick out some "big girl panties" at JC Penney a few weekends ago and she picked Elmo and Abby Cadabby. She has had zero interest in the panties but a BIG interest in the Elmo Potty Time DVD. She pulled her potty chair into the living room when she was watching it with me the other day. She also found the Abby Cadabby panties in her laundry and wanted to wear them on Wednesday afternoon when we were home together. She did well, I sat her on the potty every ten minutes or so but she never did anything and we took them off for bath time.

We just had bath time tonight and she wanted to put them on again. She peed in them within about ten minutes of having them on. I was going to put her in a diaper since it is getting close to bed time but she cried for the panties so I put her in another pair. We have been letting her have one potty treat just for sitting on the potty since she started freaking out about even sitting on the potty a few weeks ago. It seems to be going well. We let her pick out her own treats and she picked pink and purple "emma ems" as she calls them. It's about time to sit her on the potty again...

Here's to success! :)

1 comment:

Love said...

ellie LOVES abby cadabby. =) (why am i so behind on your blog?! off to read more!)

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